Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ribbons and Bows

Using ribbon on cakes is an easy way to incorporate a splash of color. Many brides have been using ribbon to line the base of each tier, while others are having more intricate fondant bows made for the cake.

Cake by Sedona Wedding Cakes.

Cake by Pink Cakebox. If I had to guess, I'd say the pleats are made to match the bride's dress.. and really, is there anything better than a dessert that coordinates with your outfit? I say we should start doing that all the time! If your purse and shoes are expected to match why not your sweater and cookie?

Cake by Big Wedding Cake Company. The bow on top is great, but don't miss the more subtle ribbon lining the bottom of the tiers. What an elegant way to make the cake look more polished and to hide those little gaps between tiers.

The bow really makes this cake. Without it, the cake would be too dark.. but the green really brightens it up.

Cake by Gail Watson. Photo by Mary Ellen Bartley. Such a sweet twist on the ribbon/bow trend. I love the delicate feel of the tiny ribbons. The whole cake is lovely!

As with any trend.. don't go overboard. Less is more. It's like a where's Waldo game... can you spot the cake under all the fondant bows?

Perfect sophistication. See, ribbons don't always have to be casual.

Pick of the day! The top two lace-inspired tiers give the cake a graceful feel, the ribbon adorned lower tiers add a glamorous touch, and the broach really pushes the whole thing close to perfection.

1 comment:

  1. The Cake by Gail Watson was my all-time favorite cake when I was planning my wedding. Love the crisp simplicity of the white cake, tiny ribbons and bows, and the swiss dots. LOVE THIS CAKE!
